Isabella Wordsworth

An Experience to be Designed

@Central Saint Martins
An exploration into textiles,
photography, and publication design.

Ferran Adria the head chef that pioneered modern gastronomy once said cooking “is the only creative act in which you use all five senses” (Adria, 2014). However, I would argue differently.

Experience Design is another creative pursuit where every sense must be engaged. We interact with systems and services everyday without realizing the intention in which they have been carefully crafted. Every moment carefully planed out and every person taken into account. When you walk into a space know that it has been designed with you in mind, you have been thought of, and you have been designed for.

We can all recognize design’s role within restaurants, so how can we draw that parallel into the other experiences in our lives? And above all how can we walk forward treating our very own mundane experiences, such as a quick breakfast, as an experience to be enjoyed? In this publication “An Experience to be Designed” I have produced a series of elements culminating in a tactile publication. Bound in the tablecloth that stars in the mini photo series and stitched together with the very stitching that adorns the tablecloth this book contains an essay and photo series all aimed at answering those questions.

Ferran Adria explains that “cooking is a language” in which each ingredient is a letter in the alphabet. Design is a language as well, often invisible but glaringly obvious went spelt incorrectly.
In “An Experience to be Designed” we highlight the parallels between cooking and design and with those parallels in mind we must consider; if we would take the time to make ourself a meal then how can we add something small to also make ourselves an experience, and as a result fully capture all of our senses?