Isabella Wordsworth

Her Dreams Count
@Her Dreams Count
An exploration in rebranding, visualizing emotion, programs design, commercial design.

In 2020 there was a rise in adolescent pregnancies across Nakivale Refugee settlement. In a time where a future was hard to envision and hope seemed like a child’s dream many young girls found themselves needing money and no options to pave a future. So how do we provide a future for our young girls that facilitates safety, independence, and growth? How do we provide hope?

Her Dreams Count is a female, refugee, led organisation founded to answer these very questions. To provide a future we must provide skills and in an increasingly digital world entrepreneurship and web development are crucial skills for every young person, no matter where they are. We provide a series of programs the builds these skills but also provides a community, building important relationships that drive curiosity, strength, and joy.

“It is easy to loose hope when it is hard to see a future”. Her Dreams Count lights the way.

For this project I worked with the founder and the girls we serve in order to create a brand that felt representitive of the people whjo interact with it. It was important to encapsulate the joy and strength of the girls and Sybille, the founder, as a rallying cry for all the volunteers in the orginization.

For this project I really involved the volunteers and the girls in the process refering to them for what the brand needs to represent and what language, colors, and imagery makes them feel seen.